Abraham J. Qavi, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Residence, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine; Director of Innovative Laboratory Diagnostics; Director of Point of Care Testing; Associate Director of Clinical Chemistry
Office Office D452 Medical Sciences D
Phone: (949) 824-4169
The Qavi Lab is interested in the development of new technologies for elucidating host-pathogen interactions, specifically in the context of neglected tropical diseases. Our interests focus on leveraging advances in optical modalities, including photonics and plasmonics, for improving conventional diagnostic paradigms, and translating these findings into the clinical laboratory.
IFI Research Focus Area(s): Host Defense and Vaccine Development, Synthetic Immunology
Biosensors, neglected tropical diseases, photonics, plasmonics, pathology, laboratory medicine, point of care testing assay development, host-pathogen interactions.