Albert Siryaporn, Ph.D.
Dr. Siryaporn’s research program includes (i) Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence regulation by surface attachment, (ii) P. aeruginosa colonization and biofilm development in response to mechanical cues, (iii) developing inhibitors of P. aeruginosa quorum sensing, and iv) examining mechanisms by which neutrophils kill bacteria, especially the role of histones and neutrophil extracellular traps in collaboration with Eric Pearlman, and which were recently funded by the NIAID as an R56. Since starting his lab, Dr. Siryaporn has co-authored 13 papers on bacterial metabolism, virulence regulation, and host-microbe dynamics, including in Nature Communications and PNAS. He has mentored or co-mentored 4 graduate students, 3 postdocs, and 18 undergraduate students (including 10 women and 8 URM). One of his graduate students, Leora Duong, is working on the joint project with Dr Pearlman and is training grant eligible.