Young Jik Kwon, Ph.D.
Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Office 132 Sprague Hall
Phone: (949) 824-8714
Dr. Kwon’s lab has developed novel nanomaterial-based therapies for treatment of cancers, encompassing interdisciplinary research tools at the interface of biology, engineering, and chemistry. The Kwon lab is quantitatively analyzing and optimizing biomedical systems (engineering) and designing and synthesizing new, bio- and nanomaterials (chemistry), toward developing novel therapeutic and diagnostic tools. Dr. Kwon also examines the immunological response to therapeutic materials and uses immune cells for therapies. Dr. Kwon has graduated 9 graduate students, including two under-represented minorities. Three former students are now faculty members at universities, and Dr. Kwon has one T32 eligible graduate student (Rebecca Lee).
IFI Research Focus Area(s): Synthetic Immunology
biotherapeutics, vaccines